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1,532 bytes added, 7 years ago
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The software will mark all the items to be scanned in the same color which means that, by default, they would need to be scanned together. By clicking on one of the items to scan, the tooth will change color and will create a second scan group. Click then on all the items to be scanned in that second scan group. By clicking a second time on one of the already selected items, a further scan group will be created and marked in a third color. This operation can be repeated as many times as one wishes, remeber that '''all the items marked in the same color will be scanned together'''. <br />
In this mode, the software cannot know which item is scanned in which position, therefore it will requre require the user to identify each stump. Identification procedure will be explained in the [[Edit|Edit Tools]] page.
===Marker Scan DefnitionDefinition=== The marker (or scanbodies) scan is similar to the custom setup of the dies scan. {{Screenshot|Wizard-markerscan.png}} The software will mark all the items to be scanned in the same color which means that, by default, they would need to be scanned together. By clicking on one of the items to scan, the tooth will change color and will create a second scan group. Click then on all the items to be scanned in that second scan group. By clicking a second time on one of the already selected items, a further scan group will be created and marked in a third color. This operation can be repeated as many times as one wishes, remeber that '''all the items marked in the same color will be scanned together'''. <br /> The software cannot know which marker is scanned in which position, therefore it will require the user to identify each scanbody. Identification procedure will be explained in the [[Edit|Edit Tools]] page.
==Live view==
The live view of the software, on the upper right corner, allows to check the position of the object and the amount of light with which it will be scanned. <br /> For different objects in the same project the light might need to be changed to avoid reflections and improve the scan quality.
The light intensity can be regulated using the bar on the left side of the window.
The red markings show the areas of the objects that are over-exposed and will be more problematic to acquire. Be careful not to lower too much the light intensity, as to do so, the scan quality will be worsened.


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