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Found 11 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Arabic (ar)انقر فوق {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} للمتابعة.
 h German (de)Klicken Sie auf {{Inline button|nextAction.png}}, um mit der Prozedur weiterzumachen.
 h English (en)Click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to continue.
 h Spanish (es)Pulsar {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} para seguir.
 h French (fr)Cliquer sur {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} pour continuer.
 h Italian (it)Cliccare {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} per continuare.
 h Japanese (ja){{Inline button|nextAction.png}} をクリックして続行します。
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)Clique {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} para continuar.
 h Russian (ru)Нажмите на {{Inline button|nextAction.png}}, чтобы продолжить.
 h Turkish (tr)Devam etmek için {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} düğmesine tıklayın.
 h Traditional Chinese (zh-hant)点击{{Inline button|nextAction.png}}继续。