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=Implant Markers= <!--T:16-->
When acquiring the data for a project on implants, acquiring the implant itself is problematic. It's not like a stump or a piece of stone model. The implant connections/interfaces are normally small and metallic.
Moreover, the fitting has to be mechanically perfect, with no margin of error.
To solve this problem, the implant connection is not directly scanned but an '''Implant Marker or Scan Body''' is used in its stead. A Scan Body is a specific object, designed to be scanned, which fits exactly over the implant.
The scan of the implant marker itself is not enough: its resulting data will be used to compute the exact position of the implant interface. In order to carry out this operation, an [[Implant_Library|Implant Library]] is needed .
The alignment to the implant library can be performed in the CAD software. However, using an implant library for Exocad's Platform, the user can perform this operation directly in the scanning software OpticalRevEng Dental, in order to get better results.
==Library Selection==<!--T:22-->
The implant library selection is automatically shown when all the items of the project have been acquired.
The Panel is divided in 4 Sections:
;Library: For choosing the general connection and implant family, contains:
* A Filter box where it is possible to write part of the name of the needed implant. All the implants that match the name will be showed in the implant list
To accept the implant selection click on ''Select'', otherwise ''Cancel''.
'''If the CAD design is launched using a wrong connection it will be necessary to restart all the design from the beginning'''
==Marker Alignment==<!--T:29-->
Once the library has been selected, the wizard shows the marker alignment step.
The interface shows all the acquired markers; an image of the STL of the library with a premarked point; e teeth graphic showing the elements that need to be aligned; a specific toolbar.
The toolbar offers this options:
;{{List button|prevAction.png}} Previous: Goes back to the previous step. Icon not active during the first scanning step.
;{{List button|nextAction.png}} Next: Goes forward one step in the project. This option is not available untill all the items have been aligned.
To align it is simply necessary to move the scanned markers to mimic the position of the library STL shown in the upper right corner of the window. When the marker is in the correct postion ,mark one point as suggested in the library image. Repeat for all the acquired elements, not necessarily following any order.
