The live view of the software, on the upper right corner, allows to check the position of the object and the amount of light with which it will be scanned. ăœăăăŠă§ăąăźćłäžă«ăăă©ă€ăăă„ăŒă§ăŻăăčăăŁăłăăăȘăăžă§ăŻăăźäœçœźăšć
éăçąșèȘă§ăăŸăă <br /> For different objects in the same project the light might need to be changed to avoid reflections and improve the scan quality.ćăăăăžă§ăŻăć
èŠăăăć ŽćăăăăŸăă
The light intensity can be regulated using the bar on the left side of the window.