This method is applied by default by the software. It implies that the user will put the dies on the multidie plate in the position shown by the software, which will make each die immediately recognisable and cut the steps of the wizard.ăăăŠăŤăă§ăŻăăŽćšćłăéŠç¨ăăăŚăăžăăăăŽĺ ´ĺăăăŤăăă¤ăăŹăźăä¸ă§ă˝ăăăŚă§ă˘ăć示ăăä˝ç˝ŽăŤăŚăźăśăźăăă¤ă罎ăăŚăăăžăăăăăŤăăĺăă¤ăç´ăĄăŤčĺĽăăăžăă
;Definition: As mentioned, the position of the dies in the multidie plate is pre-established by the software.