ăăăŠăŤăă§ăŻăăŽćšćłăéŠç¨ăăăŚăăžăăăăŽĺ ´ĺăăăŤăăă¤ăăŹăźăä¸ă§ă˝ăăăŚă§ă˘ăć示ăăä˝ç˝ŽăŤăŚăźăśăźăăă¤ă罎ăăŚăăăžăăăăăŤăăĺăă¤ăç´ăĄăŤčĺĽăăăžăă
;DefinitionĺŽçžŠ: As mentioned, the position of the dies in the multidie plate is pre-established by the software.ĺčż°ăŽéăăăăŤăăă¤ăăŹăźăăŽăă¤ăŽä˝ç˝ŽăŻă˝ăăăŚă§ă˘ăŤăăŁăŚäşĺăŤčŞčăăăŚăăžăă
The multidie order is based on the Universal tooth numbering, starting from the last element of the first quadrant and following in a clock-wise order. Therefore the die that needs to be placed in the central element will always be the one closest to the last element of the first quadrant.<br /> If there are more than 9 dies, a second definition step will be shown.