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In the Expert project it is not possible to use the multidie, since the software doesn't know which items will be scanned. Therefore the dies can be scanned in any possible way and combination. In our demo project we have two dies, and we'll proceed scanning them both on the model holder.ă¨ăăšăăźăăăă¸ă§ăŻăă§ăŻăăăŤăăă¤ă使ç¨ăăăă¨ăŻă§ăăžăăăăăăŻăă˝ăăăŚă§ă˘ăăŠăŽă˘ă¤ăă ăăšăăŁăłăăăăĺ¤ćă§ăăŞăăăă§ăăăăŽăăăăă¤ăŻăăžăăžăŞćšćłăăžăăŻçľăżĺăăă§ăšăăŁăłă§ăăžăăäťĺăŽăă˘ç¨ăăă¸ă§ăŻăă§ăŻă2ă¤ăŽăă¤ăăăăăăă严ćšăă˘ăăŤăăŤăăźă§ăšăăŁăłăăžăă<br />To start the scan, the profile needs to be selected:ăšăăŁăłăéĺ§ăăăŤăŻăăăăăĄă¤ăŤăé¸ćăăĺż
[[File: scan-stups-expert.gif]]