Two dies have been scanned together and are therefore saved in the same image. To be able to use them in a design project it is needed to separate the two items and create two different images. 2ă€ăźăă€ăćæă«ăčăăŁăłăăăćăç»ćă«äżćăăăŸăăăăăăăèšèšăăăžă§ăŻăă§äœżçšăăă«ăŻă2ă€ăźăąă€ăă ăćéąăăŠ2ă€ăźç°ăȘăç»ćăäœæăăćż
èŠăăăăŸăă<br /> To do so, right click on the ăăăăă«ăŻăăąă€ăă ăźăȘăčăăă'''Stump''' image in the items' list and click ç»ćăćłăŻăȘăăŻăăŠă'''Clone Item Action'''.ïŒăąă€ăă ăźăŻăăŒăłăąăŻă·ă§ăłïŒăăŻăȘăăŻăăŸăă