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6 bytes added, 7 years ago
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In this page will be followed and explained the wizard for scanning Dies of different patients on the same multidie multi-die plate.
==Project definition starting from Exocad== <!--T:2-->
This is the only scan step for this kind of project. As usual, this scan steps step is divided into substeps.
===Scan Step=== <!--T:19-->
Place the dies on the multidie multi-die plate as prompted by the scanner and click the '''Scan Button'''{{Inline button|scanAction.png}}. Once the scan is finished the result will be shown.
This scan has been performed with the Reference Rim. Everytime the user launches a scan for models, dies or markers, if the software recognises recognizes that the reference rim has not been used the following message shows.
The user can , therefore , decide whether to cancel the scan, put the reference rim on the model holder and start a new scan, or to scan without using the reference rim. For information on the reference rim visit the [[Accessories|Accessories]] page.
This step allows to edit the aquired acquired image; for detailed information on all the available options in this step visit the [[Edit|Edit Tools]] page.
At this point , the software immediately starts mesh generation. The meshes can be edited and exported individually or as a unique image. To learn more about mesh editing visit our [[Mesh|Mesh Tools]] page.
If the project has been started from Exocad, the CAD will automatically open and the design can be started immediately. Otherwise , the software will ask the user how to export the file.
