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The second and third icons of the Welcome page allow to load previously created projects.
== Load CAD Projects ==
By clicking on the {{InlineButton|loadExoButton.png}} icon it is possible to load projects that have been created in the CAD software linked with ScanWay.
The file selection starts by default with the Exocad projects' extension, but the other available cad files can be selected by clicking on the '''File Type''' box.
Accept and open the project by clicking '''Open''' or Close by clicking on the '''Cancel'''Button.
== Load Projects==
It is otherwise possible to load projects previously created in the Scanning software or in other software, by clicking on the {{InlineButton|loadProjButton.png}}.
Depending on the kind of project selected the teeth scheme and the available options change.
{{Screenshot|Loadold.png}} {{Screenshot|Load-prj-cad.png}}
;{{List button|cancel.png}} Exit : Exits the Option section.
;{{List button|importProjectAction.png}} Import project : Allows to import projects that were not created in the ScanWay Scanning Software but in other third parties software.
;{{List button|removeProjectAction.png}} Remove Project : Allows to remove and delete projects from the disk.
;{{List button|openProjectDirAction.png}} Open Scan Files Folder : Opens the folder selected to save all the Scan Projects.
;{{List button|openExtProjectDirAction.png}} Open CAD Files Folder : Opens the folder selected to save all the CAD Projects. This option is available only of the selected project was definded to be linked with one of the supported CAD.
;{{List button|Ok.png}} Accept : Accepts the changes and closes the option section.
