*{{List button|JawGroupOp acquisition.png}}: Articulator scan or scan of the occlusion. This scan can be performed either by scanning any kind of articulator on the articulator support plate or by scanning two models one on top of the other on the normal model holder.*{{List button|Op acquisition-jaw.png}} : Model Scan, upper or lower. If both models need to be scanned, the first one will always be the lower. For this scan, the models need to be inserted in the scanner '''without silicon gingivas, markers, preops or waxups'''. *{{List button|Op acquisition-waxup.png}} : Waxup reference acquisition. The waxup reference needs to be scanned on top of the model to get the position reference.*{{List button|FreeAlignAction.png}} : Align icon. Once the items have been acquired they get aligned to their reference. This option is not available until at least two items have been scanned. ==Implants== In this group {{Inline button|ImplantGroup.png}} are required all the marker elements that need to be scanned to acquire the position of the implants. [[File:Items_list_Implants.png]] *{{List button|Op acquisition-implant.png}} : Marker acquisition. The markers need to be scanned on top of the analogues of the model to register the correct position of the implants. It is possible to scan multiple markers at the same time.*{{List button|FreeAlignAction.png}} : Align icon. Once the items have been acquired they get aligned to their reference. This option is not available until at least two items have been scanned. ==Dies== In this group {{Inline button|StumpGroup.png}} it is asked to scan the dies present in the project. [[File:Items_list_dies.png]] *{{List button|op_multiacquisetup.png}} : Multi die preparation. The user is required to accept the scan configuration for the dies or to create a new scan order.*{{List button|op_acquistion-stump.png}} : Dies acquisition, that can be scanned either on the multi die or on the normal model holder.*{{List button|FreeAlignAction.png}} : Align icon. Once the items have been acquired they get aligned to their reference. This option is not available until at least two items have been scanned.