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4,245 bytes added, 7 years ago
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==First Step1: Articulator Scanning==
The first step of any project that as been set to have both jaws, is the Articulator Scan.
Click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to access the second step of the wizard.
==Second Step2: Lower Model==
The first step of any project that as been set to have both jaws, is the Lower Model Scan. The models All steps , except for the articulator one, include two sub-steps: the actual scan and the edit of the acquired image.
===Scan Step===
===Edit Step===
This step allows to edit the aquired image; for detailed information on all the available options in this step visit the [[Edit|Edit Tools]] page.
The image at this step can be both edited or trimmed. At this stage it is actually important not to edit too much the image or cutting big chunks of information, since it would make it more difficult for the software to calculate the automatic alignment of the object to its reference.
The edit of the image can be carried out using the selection tools.
On the other hand, trimming gets very easy when the '''cut base''' tool is used.
When you are satisfied with the result click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to access the next wizard step.
===Step 3: Upper Model===
The upper model Scan, like the lower model, requires the user to undergo two steps.
===Scan Step===
Place the upper model on the model holder and click the '''Scan Button'''{{Inline button|scanAction.png}}. Once the scan is finished the result will be shown.
As before, if the reference rim is not placed on the model holder, the software will show the relevant message.
Click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to access the edit step for the Upper model.
===Edit Step===
The upper model can still be edited as shown for the lower model. This time, we will edit the image using a different selection tool.
When you are satisfied with the result click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to access the next wizard step.
==Save and Align==
Immediately after having pushed the {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} button, the software saves and tries to align automatically the scanned items to their reference.
To learn more on the automatic alignment and the manual procedure visit our [[Align|Alignment Interface]] page.
==Step 4: Dies Scan==
The steps necessary to succesfully scan the dies vary depending on the scanning method that the user chooses to apply: the use of the multidie plate or the custom set-up.
===With Multidie===
This method is applied by default by the software. It implies that the user will put the dies on the multidie plate in the position shown by the software, which will make each die immediately recognisable and cut the steps of the wizard.
;Definition: As mentioned, the position of the dies in the multidie plate is pre-established by the software. The multidie order is based on the Universal tooth numbering, starting from the last element of the first quadrant and following in a clock-wise order. Therefore the die that needs to be placed in the central element will always be the one closest to the last element of the firts quadrant. If there are more than 9 dies, a second definition step will be shown.
Click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to access the multidie scan step.
;Scan: The multidie scan interface is similar to the others step we just explained, except for the multidie reference that is kept as a reminder on the right side of the window, under the live view. To proceed click the '''Scan Button'''{{Inline button|scanAction.png}}. Once the scan is finished the result will be shown.
Click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to access the edit step for the multidie scan.
;Edit: The edit step offers the same tools we saw in previous steps. In this case, more than one tool may need to be applied.
When you are satisfied with the result click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to access the next wizard step.
;Alignment: After being edited the dies get aligned to their references. The result is then showed on the monitor. To learn how to change, fix or redo the alignment check the [[Align|Alignment Interface]] page.
===Custom Set-Up (Without Multidie)===
The user can also decide to scan the dies in a custom order, for instance if he needs to scan the dies on the model base. To access the custom set- up definition, click on the {{Inline button|customSetupAction.png}} icon when the software presents the multidie definition.
