;{{List button|rectSelTool.png}} Rectangular SelectionçŠĺ˝˘é¸ć: Draws a rectangle that starts from the click point and grows following the mouse; to select, release the left mouse button.ăŻăŞăăŻăăçšăăéĺ§ăăŚăăăŚăšăĺăăćšĺăŤçŠĺ˝˘ăćăăžăă塌ăăŚăšăăżăłăćžăă¨ăé¸ćăćąşĺŽăăăžăă;{{List button|elliSelTool.png}} Elliptical SelectionćĽĺ形é¸ć: Draws an ellipse centered in the click point that grows following the mouse; to select, release the left mouse button.ăŻăŞăăŻăăçšăä¸ĺżă¨ăăŚăăăŚăšăé¨ĺžĺćšćłăŤĺşăăćĽĺ形ăćăăžăă塌ăăŚăšăăżăłăćžăă¨ăé¸ćăćąşĺŽăăăžăă;{{List button|lineSelTool.png}} Free Closed Line SelectionăăŞăźăŻăăźăşăŠă¤ăłé¸ć: Click and hold the left mouse button to start drawing a line that follows the mouse. Release the left mouse button to close the line and select all the area inside its borders.塌ăăŚăšăăżăłăăŻăŞăăŻăăăžăžçˇăćăăžăă塌ăăŚăšăăżăłăćžăă¨ăçˇăăŻăăźăşăăăŚăăăŽä¸ăŽé ĺăăăšăŚé¸ćăăăžăă;{{List button|polygonSelTool.png}} Polygonal Selectionĺ¤č§ĺ˝˘é¸ć: Click in two different points to draw a line and a third point to create a polygon. Double click to close the polygon and select all the area inside its borders2ă¤ăŽçšăăŻăŞăăŻăăă¨çˇă¨ăŞăă3ă¤çŽäťĽéăŽçšăăŻăŞăăŻăăă¨ĺ¤č§ĺ˝˘ăä˝ćăăăžăăăăăŤăŻăŞăăŻăăă¨ĺ¤č§ĺ˝˘ăăŻăăźăşăăăăăŽä¸ăŽé ĺăăăšăŚé¸ćăăăžăă