;ăčăăŁăł: äœæăăăčăăŁăłă°ă«ăŒăăźæ°ă«ăăŁăŠă1ă€ăŸăăŻè€æ°ăźăčăăŁăłăčăăăăèšćźăăăŸăă
First, the software requires the user to insert the dies in the scanner and acquire the items of the first group.ăŸăăŻăăă€ăăčăăŁăăŒă«ć
„ăăŠăæćăźă°ă«ăŒăăźăąă€ăă ăććŸăăćż
èŠăăăăŸăă<br /> As a reminder, it marks the items to be scanned together on the right of the window, under the live view. ăȘăă€ăłăăŒăšăăŠăćæă«ăčăăŁăłăăăăąă€ăă ăăŠă€ăłăăŠćłćŽăźă©ă€ăăă„ăŒăźäžă«ăăŒăŻăăăŠèĄšç€șăăăŸăă
Then it will ask the user to insert the item selected for the second group. Since the second scan is an individual die, there will be no reminder on the right. Click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to continue.