;Dies Identificationăă¤ăŽčĺĽ: When a scan group has more than one item, the user will be asked to separate each die from the others to correctly identify it.ăšăăŁăłă°ăŤăźăăŤč¤ć°ăŽă˘ă¤ăă ăăăĺ ´ĺăăŚăźăśăźăŻĺăă¤ăăăăăćŁăăčĺĽăăăăćąăăăăžăă<br /> This step occurs in between the scanning steps. To learn more on the identification of the dies visit the ăăŽăšăăăăŻăšăăŁăłăšăăăăŽéă§čĄăăžăăăă¤ăŽčĺĽăŤă¤ăăŚčŠłăăăŻă[[Scan|Scan InterfaceăšăăŁăłă¤ăłăżăźăă§ăźăš]] page. Click ăŽăăźă¸ăĺç
§ăăŚä¸ăăă {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to continue. ăăŻăŞăăŻăăŚçśčĄăăžăă
[[File:extract _24_26.gif]]