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16 bytes added, 7 years ago
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When the '''Dynamic Articultion Articulation Module''' gets enabled, the user is provided with a set of 4 ''Mounting Plates'' and a ''Recalibration Object''. See [[Accessories|Accessories- Dynamic Articulation Module]].
==Project definition starting from Exocad== <!--T:6-->
To create this project in Exocad, click on the DentalDB icon in on your desktop. The project manager will open.
Once the project has been defined just click '''OPT''' in the Actions section to launch the scanning software. <br />The first thing the scanning software shows is the project created in Exocad. Check if the articualtor articulator selection is correct, if so click the Accept Button {{Inline button|ok.png}}.
For this project, take particular care in the articulator selection. If the articulator gets wrongly defined, the virtual articulation won't be realistic and useful.<br />Also, remeber remember to set Exocad as Cad platmfromCAD platform, since this module is specifically designed to work for Exocad's Virtual Articulator.
The first step of any project that as has been set to have both jaws, is the Articulator Scan.
In this specific case the Articulator has to be scanned. The scanned articulator needs to match the one selected in the project defintiondefinition.<br />We suggest to scan the articulator tilting it backwards, to get as much information as possible. This is just a suggestion as not all articulators can be tilted.
The first second step of any project that as has been set to have both jaws, is the Lower Model Scan. All steps, except for the articulator one, include two sub-steps: the actual scan and the edit of the acquired image.
===Scan Step=== <!--T:35-->
This step allows to edit the aquired acquired image; for detailed information on all the available options in this step visit the [[Edit|Edit Tools]] page.
In this particular case, since th emodel the model is mounted in the articulator, it's not scanned on a perfectly horizontal plane, so to trim it faster we used the polygonal selection tool.
The steps necessary to succesfully successfully scan the dies vary depending on the scanning method that the user chooses to apply: the use of the multidie plate or the custom set-up.
===With Multidie=== <!--T:58-->
The multidie order is based on the Universal tooth numbering, starting from the last element of the first quadrant and following in a clock-wise order. Therefore the die that needs to be placed in the central element will always be the one closest to the last element of the firts first quadrant.<br /> If there are more than 9 dies, a second definition step will be shown.
;Scan: The multidie scan interface is similar to the others step other steps we just explained, except for the multidie reference that is kept as a reminder on the right side of the window, under the live view.<br /> To proceed click the '''Scan Button'''{{Inline button|scanAction.png}}. Once the scan is finished the result will be shown.
;Dies Identification: When a scan group has more than one item, the user will be ask asked to separate each die from the others to correctly identify it.<br /> This step occurs in between the scanning steps. To learn more on the identification of the dies visit the [[Scan|Scan Interface]] page. Click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to continue.
;Alignment: After being edited or identified the dies get aligned to their references. The result is then showed on the monitor. To learn how to change, fix or redo the alignment check the [[Align|Alignment Interface]] page.
==Step 5: Healty Healthy and Pontics== <!--T:85-->
At this stage the project has been scanned, unless the user wants to rescan the healty healthy and pontics. This step is infact a result of the scan of the scanned reference model, trimmed to exclude the parts that have been scanned individually (in this case, the dies). It sometimes happens that in the first model scan, the contact points on the healthy are not correctly recognised, which would require the user to rescan the model. Otherwise, just click {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} to continue.


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