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In this page will be explained how to scana scan a project in Expert mode. This kind of project has no wizard, so the only information required for creating the project is the general information section.
Also in the Expert project, the steps are divided in different moments, by clicking the next button {{Inline button|nextAction.png}} the edit mode activates.<br /> Edito Edit or trim the model using the available tools and click next. For detailed information on all the available options in this step visit the [[Edit|Edit Tools]] page.
To start another scan, click on the Scan button{{Inline button|scanAction.png}}.
In the Expert project it is not possible to use the multidie, since the software doesn0t doesn't know which items will be scanned. Therefore the dies can be scanned in any possible way and combination. In our demo project we have two dies, and we'll proceed scannign scanning them both on the model holder.<br />To start the scan, the rofile profile needs to be selected:
Now edit and rename the two images, leav ing leaving only one element per image.
To delete double surfaces, click on the reference image (in this case the upper model) in the items' list and edit out the parts that were scanned separatedlyseparately.


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