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Revision as of 08:07, 23 June 2017

The Service mode allows to check the scanner's operativity and to calibrate. Scanner Calibration will be explained in a specific page.

Service mode.png

In Service mode the live view of the cameras is always on (top-right corner), to allow a better handling of the service operations.

The bar on the left of the live window allows to lower or increase the light intensity; if the object is very bright, the light saturation will be shown in red and the light intensity can be lowered to reach the best light configuration for any object.

Detail live.png

All the service operations can be accessed using the lower toolbar.

Cancel.png Exit
Exits the Option section.
TestScannerAction.png Test Scanner Connection
This action checks if the scanner is correctly connected. If not, it shows the relevant error message.
HeadCalibAction.png Optical Head Calibration
This action starts the calibration procedure of the optical components of the scanner. For futher information visit the page Calibrate your scanner.
AxisCalibAction.png Axis Calibration
This action starts the calibration procedure of the movement system of the scanner. For futher information visit the page Calibrate your scanner.
ColorCalibAction.png Color Calibration
This action starts the calibration procedure of the color recognition of the scanner. For futher information visit the page Calibrate your scanner.
Ok.png Accept
Accepts the changes and closes the option section.

Navigation Back.png Homebutton.png Navigation Next.png