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951 bytes added, 7 years ago
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The concept quad scan group {{Inline button|quadGroup.png}} is activated if, in [[NewPrjPro|project definition]], the chosen model type is '''Quadrant''' {{Inline button|quadrantModel.png}}.
*{{List button|op_acquisition-quadrant.png}} Quadrant scan: scan of the elements of a quadrant tray articulator. The elements will be positioned all together on the concept quad model holder, and the scanner will acquire upper model, lower model and up to 4 dies in one single scan.
The impression scan is activated if, in [[NewPrjPro|project definition]], the chosen model type is '''Impression''' {{Inline button|impressionModel.png}}.
*{{List button|op_acquisition-impression.png}} Impression scan: scan of an impression tray. This procedure takes longer than any other due to the fact that, to scan negative items, more images are required.
The bite scan is activated if, in [[NewPrjPro|project definition]], the antagonist is set to be a '''Silicon bite''' {{Inline button|.png}}.
*{{List button|op_acquisition-bite.png}} Bite scan: scan of a silicon bite. The bite has to be placed on top of the opposing model.
==Wizard Actions== <!--T:28-->


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