Dental Service Mode

From Dental Wiki
Revision as of 09:00, 13 September 2017 by Meinan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "下部のツールバーから、サービスに関するすべての操作にアクセスできます。")
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Service mode.png



Detail live.png


Cancel.png Exit
Exits the Option section.
TestScannerAction.png Test Scanner Connection
This action checks if the scanner is correctly connected. If not, it shows the relevant error message.
HeadCalibAction.png Optical Head Calibration
This action starts the calibration procedure of the optical components of the scanner. For futher information visit the page Calibrate your scanner.
AxisCalibAction.png Axis Calibration
This action starts the calibration procedure of the movement system of the scanner. For futher information visit the page Calibrate your scanner.
ColorCalibAction.png Color Calibration
This action starts the calibration procedure of the color recognition of the scanner. For futher information visit the page Calibrate your scanner.
Ok.png Accept
Accepts the changes and closes the option section.

Navigation Back.png Homebutton.png Navigation Next.png