Mesh Tools

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Revision as of 09:40, 27 April 2017 by L.Pizzoli (talk | contribs)
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In last step of any project, the generated meshes are shown and can be edited or exported.


The interface shows the image of all the generated meshes; the list of the generated meshes, in the upper right corner of the interface, from which can be selected individual files for edit; a specific toolbr.

The toolbar offers these options:

PrevAction.png Previous
Goes back to the previous step. Icon not active during the first scanning step.
EditSelectedAction.png Edit Meshes
Opens the mesh editing page that provides various tools to improve the quality of the mesh. All of these tools will be explained in detail later in this page.
ExportToCadAction.png Export to CAD 
Exports the images to the selected CAD.
ExportVisibleAction.png Export Visible 
Exports the files to a selected folder.
NextAction.png Next
Goes forward one step in the project. This option is not available, being this the last wizard step.

Mesh Tools

By clicking the EditSelectedAction.png the edit mesh toolbar becomes available.


Cancel.png Exit
Exits the Option section.
RectSelTool.png Selection Tools
Opens the selection tool panel in which it is possible to choose how to select part of the image. The available tools will be described later in this page.
SelOpAction.png Select Action
Opens the actions panel in which it is possible to choose what to do with the selected part of the image. The available actions will be described later in this page.
FillHolesAction.png Fill Holes
FlipNormalsAction.png Flip Normals
FixProblemsAction.png Fix Mesh
SmoothAction.png Smooth
DecimateAction.png Decimate
Ok.png Accept
Accepts the changes and closes the option section.

Selection Tools


As shown in the GIF, these tools allow to select part of the image to edit the object. Four selection tools are available:

RectSelTool.png Rectangular Selection
Draws a rectangle that starts from the click point and grows following the mouse; to select, release the left mouse button.
ElliSelTool.png Elliptical Selection
Draws an ellipse centered in the click point that grows following the mouse; to select, release the left mouse button.
LineSelTool.png Free Closed Line Selection
Click and hold the left mouse button to start drawing a line that follows the mouse. Release the left mouse button to close the line and select all the area inside its borders.
PolygonSelTool.png Polygonal Selection
Click in two different points to draw a line and a third point to create a polygon. Double click to close the polygon and select all the area inside its borders



These actions allow to modify the selected information. The following actions are available:

CutSelAction.png Delete Selection (DEL) 
Deletes the currently selected data.
CropSelAction.png Crop Selection (Key ctrl.png + K) 
Keeps only the selected data and removes all the rest.
InvertSelAction.png Invert Selection (Key ctrl.png + I) 
Selects all the data that is not selected and deselects the selected data.
ClearSelAction.png Clear Selection (Key ctrl.png + C) 
Deselects all the data.

link=[Align Homebutton.png Navigation Next.png