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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Prosthesis Project|noerror}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Prosthesis Project|noerror}}
The first icon in the [[NewPrj|Project Creation]] page opens the Prosthesis Project definition.

Revision as of 05:19, 16 September 2017



The Project definition window is divided into 5 sections.

Tooth Definition

The first window on the left Teeth allows to select the items that will be scanned, their options and accessory scans.


By clicking on a element, the tooth definition panel opens.

Tooth selection.png

The possible choices are:

None.png None
Doesn't mark the tooth as part of the project and closes the tooth definition panel to go back to the previous step.
Healthy.png Healthy
Marks the tooth as healthy element. This tooth is part of the main stone model, it can be acquired with the rest of the model. If used on a completely healthy oppposing jaw, it sets the project to scan an opposing stone model.
Die.png Die
Marks the tooth as a prepared die. This tooth is a removable die that has to be acquired alone or on the Multi-Die support.
Implant-def.png Implant
Signals that in the established position there is an implant, and a marker will be scanned.
Antagonist.png Bite Antagonist
Marks that the selected tooth is part of a silicon bite. To set a stone model as antagonist use healthy.
Pontic.png Pontic
Marks the tooth as pontic element of a bridge.

If an elements is marked as Die, Implant or Pontic, further options are made available:


WaxupIcon.png Waxup
Indicates that on the selected tooth there is a Waxup element to be scanned.
SituIcon.png Situ
Indicates that for the selected tooth there is a situ or pre operative model that has to be scanned.
GingivaIcon.png Gingiva
Indicates that the selected element also has a gingiva item that will be scanned separately.

Once the tooth category has been defined, and the options selected, accept with Ok or discard the changes with Cancel.

By holding Key ctrl.png when clicking on a tooth, the last defined element type will be copied to the selected tooth.

By holding Key shift.png when clicking on a tooth, the last set parameters will be copied to all the teeth between the last tooth and the selected one.



The Project section allows the user to input some General Information:

  • Patient's name
  • Doctor's name (Optional)
  • Notes (Optional)
  • A check box to decide whether or not to use the Reference Rim.

It is possible to write freely in the Doctor and Notes boxes. As for the Patient, it is possible to:

  • write freely in the box
  • Create a new profile clicking on the Search/Create button
  • Search the database for an already existing profile clicking on the Search/Create button

The Search/Create Button opens the following window:


This window allows to search the project database for already existing patients. A filter can be applied and, for those who use VDDS protocols, the research can be restricted to that specific database.

By clicking on the Create button, the following window opens:

Create patient.PNG

The patient creation panel allows to input general information regarding the patient and the treatment, such as:

  • The patient's name
  • The patient's birth date
  • The patient's sex
  • The doctor's name
  • The patient's insurance ID, where applies
  • Some notes

Once all the information has been filled in, select Ok to accept the data or Cancel to discard the changes and go back to the project definition page.

Model Types

This section allows to choose the kind of model that will be scanned.

Model section.png

By clicking on the model image, a model selection panel opens.

Model type.PNG

The available choices are:

UnsectionedModel.png Unsectioned Model 
enable this option if the model to be scanned is not sectioned, the scanner will not require a separate scan for every die.
NormalModel.png Sectioned Model 
default workflow, in which every element is acquired separately and all the information gets merged at the end.
QuadrantModel.png Quadrant Model 
if the Concept Quad Scan Module is enabled, it is possible to scan all the parts of a Quadrant Tray in just one step.
ImpressionModel.png Impression Scan 
if the Impression Scan Module is enabled in the license, check this option to scan an impression and not a stone model.

CAD Integration

When the project is started directly from Exocad, the STL files produced in the scanning process will be transmitted to Exocad in just one click. On the other end, if the project gets created in the scanning software, the automatic export to CAD will not be configured, unless it is selected in this section.

Cad section.png

By clicking on the No CAD box the CAD selection window opens

Cad selection.PNG

and it allows to choose one of the software integrated with our scanning system for automatic trasmission of the STL information.

  • Exocad
  • VDDS protocol (for orthodontics)
  • Onyx Ceph (for orthodontics)

If No Cad is selected, the software will then ask the user to define an export path for the STL files.


The last section allows to select an articulator to use the Dynamic Articulation Module.

Arti section.png

If the Dynamic Articulation module is not active on the license this section will not be available

Articulator selection.PNG

Remember that it is always possible to scan any kind of articulator, this section is only to be used if you want to scan with the dynamic articulation module and pass the occlusion position in the Virtual Articulator of Exocad.

The Articulators available in Exocad and therefore in our software are:

Artex.png Artex 
to scan the Artex Articulator and to use the same in Exocad's Virtual Articulator
Sam.png Sam/ Adesso 
to scan the Sam Articulator or the Adesso splitcast and to use the same in Exocad's Virtual Articulator
A7.png Protar- Kavo 
to scan the Kavo Articulator and to use the same in Exocad's Virtual Articulator
Protar.png A7 - Bioart 
to scan the Bioart Articulator and to use the same in Exocad's Virtual Articulator
Denar.png Denar by Whipmix 
to scan the Denar Articulator and to use the same in Exocad's Virtual Articulator

To start the project accept the definition with the Ok.png button.

To find specific information on how to scan Prosthesis cases, go to the Prosthesis Project or Prosthesis Project on Implants example pages.

Navigation Back.png Homebutton.png Navigation Next.png