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7 bytes added, 7 years ago
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This page allows to create creating full jaw scanning projects to be used either in orthodontic cases, or in removable frameworks ones, or anyways for any case in which it is required to scan the full jaw with or without its opposing jaw.
This window allows to search searching the project database for already existing patients. A filter can be applied and, for those who use VDDS protocols, the research can be restricted to that specific database.
In this section , it is possible to signal the software that the occlusal rim needs to be scanned for a full denture project.
and it allows to choose choosing one of the software integrated with our scanning system for automatic trasmission transmission of the STL information.
*VDDS protocol (for orthodontics)
*Onyx Ceph (for orthodontics)
The last section allows to select selecting an articulator to use the ''Dynamic Articulation Module''.
; {{List button|artex.png}} Artex : to scan the Artex Articulator and to use the same in Exocad's Virtual Articulator
; {{List button|sam.png}} Sam/ Adesso : to scan the Sam Articulator or the Adesso splitcast split-cast and to use the same in Exocad's Virtual Articulator
; {{List button|a7.png}} Protar- Kavo : to scan the Kavo Articulator and to use the same in Exocad's Virtual Articulator
; {{List button|protar.png}} A7 - Bioart : to scan the Bioart Articulator and to use the same in Exocad's Virtual Articulator


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