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Welcome Page

Revision as of 07:20, 22 June 2017 by L.Pizzoli (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Página de Bienvenida")
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The welcome page is the first window that opens once the software has been launched. It allows to carry on basic operations like creating new projects, load old ones or access the options and service pages.


Here below a list of the actions available in the welcome page.

Opens the options panel to handle the software settings.
Opens the service page to handle the scanner's calibration and other settings.
NewProjButton.png New Project
Opens the project definition page.
LoadExoButton.png Load projects from CAD
Allows to load projects that were created in Exocad and not directly in the scanning software.
LoadProjButton.png Load projects
Allows to load projects that were created in the scanning software.
CloseButton.png Quit
Closes the Scanning software.

Every action will be explained in detail in the following pages.

Navigation Back.png Homebutton.png Navigation Next.png