Multi Die Project

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Revision as of 10:46, 16 September 2017 by Meinan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Search/Create'''(検索/作成)ボタンをクリックすると、以下のウインドウが開きます。")
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Multi project.png



Prj multidie.PNG


ケースを設定するには、マルチダイの各位置をクリックして、Die Name(ダイ名)の欄で患者名を定義します。

Def multidie.png

その要素にワックスアップスキャンを追加するには、Current Die(現在のダイ)セクションのWith Waxup(ワックスアップ)ボタンをクリックします。


Prj section multidie.png


  • 患者名
  • ドクター名(オプション)
  • メモ(オプション)
  • リファレンスリムの使用有無を決めるチェックボックス


  • 任意の内容を入力する
  • Search/Create(検索/作成)ボタンをクリックして新規プロフィールを作成する
  • Search/Create(検索/作成)ボタンをクリックして既存のプロフィールをデータベースから検索する



This window allows to search the project database for already existing patients. A filter can be applied and, for those who use VDDS protocols, the research can be restricted to that specific database.

By clicking on the Create button, the following window opens:

Create patient.PNG

The patient creation panel allows to input general information regarding the patient and the treatment, such as:

  • The patient's name
  • The patient's birth date
  • The patient's sex
  • The doctor's name
  • The patient's insurance ID, where applies
  • Some notes

Once all the information has been filled in, select Ok to accept the data or Cancel to discard the changes and go back to the project definition page.

CAD Integration

When the project is started directly from Exocad, the STL files produced in the scanning process will be transmitted to Exocad in just one click. On the other end, if the project gets created in the scanning software, the automatic export to CAD will not be configured, unless it is selected in this section.

Cad section multidie.png

By clicking on the No CAD box the CAD selection window opens

Cad selection.PNG

and it allows to choose one of the software integrated with our scanning system for automatic trasmission of the STL information.

  • Exocad
  • VDDS protocol (for orthodontics)
  • Onyx Ceph (for orthodontics)

If No Cad is selected, the software will then ask the user to define an export path for the STL files.

To start the project accept the definition with the Ok.png button.

To find specific information on how to scan in Free / Expert mode, go to the MultiDie Project example page.

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