Example: Orthodontic

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In questa pagina è mostrata e spiegata la procedura guidata da seguire per scansionare 2 modelli in occlusione.

Definizione del Progetto

Avviare il software facendo doppio click sull'icona ScanWay sul desktop. Si aprirà la Pagina di Benvenuto; per creare il progetto cliccare sulla prima icona.


Per informazioni più dettagliate su come definire un progetto, visitare la pagina: Creare un Nuovo Progetto.

Di seguito la definizione del nostro progetto esempio:


Passaggio 1: Scansione Articolatore

Il primo passaggio di ogni progetto impostato con entrambe le arcate è la Scansione Articolatore.

Con Scansione Articolatore non si intende necessariamente che un articolatore deve essere scansionato; l'acquisizione richiesta è l'occlusione, sia che si usi un articolatore sull'apposita basetta sia inserendo semplicemente i due modelli in occlusione sul piattello

If the user needs to scan an articulator, we suggest to tilt it backwards, to be able to get as much information as possible. This is just a suggestion as not all articulators can be tilted.

Articulator positions.png

In the live view of the scanning interface you can actually see that if the articulator is standing straight it will be difficult to acquire the occlusion properly.

Live arti posizioni.png

On the other hand, as previously mentioned, it is also possible to scan the two models in occlusion on the normal model holder held together with rubber bands or wax if necessary.


Once the objects have been placed in the scanner (either the articulator or the models one on top of the other), the scan can be started with the Scan ButtonScanAction.png. Once the scan is finished the result will be shown.


For further information on the other available functions check the Scan Interface page.

Click NextAction.png to access the second step of the wizard.

Step 2: Lower Model

The second step of any project that has been set to have both jaws, is the Lower Model Scan. All steps, except for the articulator one, include two sub-steps: the actual scan and the edit of the acquired image.

Scan Step

Place the lower model on the model holder and click the Scan ButtonScanAction.png. Once the scan is finished the result will be shown.


This scan has been performed with the Reference Rim. Everytime the user launches a scan for models, dies or markers, if the software recognises that the reference rim has not been used the following message shows.

Msg rr.png

The user can therefore decide whether to cancel the scan, put the reference rim on the model holder and start a new scan, or to scan without using the reference rim. For information on the reference rim visit the Accessories page.

Click NextAction.png to access the second part of the Lower model step.

Edit Step

This step allows to edit the acquired image; for detailed information on all the available options in this step visit the Edit Tools page.

The image at this step can be both edited or trimmed. At this stage it is actually important not to edit too much the image or cutting big chunks of information, since it would make it more difficult for the software to calculate the automatic alignment of the object to its reference.
In this case, to trim the object, the base cut tool has been used and accepted by double clicking on the model.


When you are satisfied with the result click NextAction.png to access the next wizard step.

Step 3: Upper Model

The upper model Scan, like the lower model, requires the user to undergo two steps.

Scan Step

Place the upper model on the model holder and click the Scan ButtonScanAction.png. Once the scan is finished the result will be shown.


As before, if the reference rim is not placed on the model holder, the software will show the relevant message.

Click NextAction.png to access the edit step for the Upper model.

Edit Step

The upper model can still be edited as shown for the lower model. This time, we will edit the image using a selection tool and cutting with the delete button on the keybord.


When you are satisfied with the result click NextAction.png to access the next wizard step.

Save and Align

Immediately after having pushed the NextAction.png button, the software saves and tries to align automatically the scanned items to their reference.

To learn more on the automatic alignment and the manual procedure visit our Alignment Interface page.

Step 6: Mesh Generation and Export

At this point the software immediately starts mesh generation. The meshes can be edited and exported individually or as a unique image. To learn more about mesh editing visit our Mesh Tools page.

Click on the Export Button ExportToCadAction.png to export to CAD and select the folder to save the STL files.

Navigation Back.png Homebutton.png Navigation Next.png